
The term “corporate” is the graffiti term coined by Yem (Krenz), founder of AM7, for doing a piece on the front of a billboard. Ideally integrating the piece/s with the existing imagery. I ran into Yem who wanted to clarify that his first partner that worked with him was Dae, followed by Doonze/Dew. Today there are plenty of “bill-bombers,” but few that actually work with the imagery like Revok and Augor. When I have talked with people outside of graffiti culture about the vandalistic/ethical questions of doing corporates, I tell them that while I, of course, can’t encourage it (like any kid would be influenced by me anyway), that I honestly have enjoyed seeing the Silver Surfer parting waves of Revok and Augs names, and find it hard to believe that any revenues were lost to a movie production company for example, because Aug’s name was coming out of Spidey’s hand. On the other hand the surge of toy tags on private/mom and pop businesses and public art sucks, a reflection of the loss of some standards that of course spills back over into the graff world where toys don’t understand respect for dope pieces and productions as well. It’s all tied in together.

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