After talking for several months to the folks at the top graphics professionals site,, I finally had my article posted this last Tuesday (12-11-07). It’s right there at the top of the page where you can’t miss it. I particularly like having shots of Eklips, Atlas, Revok, Relm and Kofie on such an upscale site. Thanks to Marshall Arisman (terrific artist and teacher at N.Y. School of Visual Art) for connecting me with graphics guru Steven Heller, and thanks to Steven Heller for being interested in my perspective, and to Sue Apfelbaum at AIGA for making it happen.

One Response to “AIGA”

  1. on 31 Dec 2007 at 7:59 amEverett

    Great article and book Steve! I’m glad to have gotten the chance to come across it on All the best and have a happy new year!

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